Campaign for Southern Equality releases ‘How Far?’ report on trans youth traveling for healthcare

The Campaign for Southern Equality (CSE) has released the “How Far?” report in partnership with the Southern Equality Research & Policy Center, providing an in-depth look into the impact statewide healthcare bans on trans youth. The report looked at how bans on gender-affirming care have disproportionately impacted trans youth across the American South, especially those…

How switching to organic pads and tampons can benefit the environment

On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was born, drawing 20 million Americans into the streets in support of environmental protection after a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, in 1969. This historic event spurred the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the passage of landmark environmental legislation, including the Clean…

Wake County confirms limited mpox outbreak

In February, Wake County Public Health (WCPH) announced there had been a small outbreak of mpox — a virus in the smallpox family which results in a painful skin infection. As a result, WCPH was reminding people who are at risk they qualify to receive a vaccine to help combat potential infections.  “[We’re] working with…

 Quality Comprehensive Health Center celebrates grand opening of new facility

On their website Quality Comprehensive Health Center (QCHC) confirms they’ve been offering healthcare to Charlotte’s underserved community for nearly 20 years. It seems fitting at such a pertinent moment in time the organization is celebrating a move into a new facility that provides the opportunity to offer expanded health care needs. Set for Monday, February…

Sexual assault statistics show impact of state abortion bans

If there’s a most controversial aspect to the new wave of abortion bans that have swept much of the nation in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022 reversal of its Roe v. Wade ruling, it likely centers around the issue of pregnancies that are the result of rape. Confronted with the horrifying prospect…


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