On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was born, drawing 20 million Americans into the streets in support of environmental protection after a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, in 1969. This historic event spurred the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the passage of landmark environmental legislation, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act. 

Over the decades, Earth Day has evolved into a global phenomenon, with millions of people worldwide coming together to raise awareness, advocate for sustainable practices, and take action to protect the planet for future generations.

One way to remain environmentally conscious is to switch to more sustainable and eco-friendly replacements to everyday items. An example of this would be purchasing an electric vehicle over a gasoline powered car. A much less expensive choice that people who menstrate can make is switching from their normal pads and tampons to organic options. 

Organic menstrual products hit the market in 1989 from Natracare and by 1996, Natracare became the first certified organic cotton tampons. 

Susie Hewson, Founder and CEO of Natracare, said cotton is one of the crops most likely to contain chemicals from things such as pesticides and fertilizers. 

“Cotton is the world’s most heavily sprayed crop, so choosing certified 100% organic cotton can reduce exposure to hazardous pesticides and herbicides as well as helping to minimize such chemicals in rivers and soil,” she said. “The Global Organic Textiles Standards (GOTS) inspects and monitors from field through processing to finished product that also considers fair working practices and conditions for all workers.

“These are the best reasons for us to choose organic cotton, as well as the wonderful quality and softness.”

Using organic pads and tampons can offer additional benefits compared to conventional options. Here’s what you need to know about organic menstrual products. 

Reduced Exposure to Chemicals

Organic pads and tampons are made from natural materials such as organic cotton, which means they are free from synthetic chemicals, pesticides, and bleaches often found in conventional products. This reduces the risk of exposure to potentially harmful substances, which could otherwise cause irritation or allergic reactions.

Gentler on the Skin

Organic materials tend to be softer and more breathable than synthetic ones. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with sensitive skin or those prone to allergies or rashes. By using organic pads and tampons, you may experience less discomfort and irritation during your menstrual cycle.

Environmentally Friendly

Organic pads and tampons are typically biodegradable and produced using sustainable farming practices. Conventional menstrual products, on the other hand, often contain plastics and other non-biodegradable materials that contribute to environmental pollution. By choosing organic options, you can reduce your environmental impact and support eco-friendly manufacturing processes.


Despite the absence of synthetic materials, organic pads and tampons are still highly absorbent. Organic cotton, for example, is known for its ability to effectively absorb moisture, helping you stay dry and comfortable throughout your period.

Reduced Risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)

Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)  — which can occur when using tampons — is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition caused by bacterial toxins. TSS can occur when these bacteria multiply and release toxins into the bloodstream, leading to a systemic inflammatory response. Symptoms of TSS may include sudden high fever, low blood pressure, rash resembling sunburn, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, muscle aches, and redness of the eyes, mouth and throat. TSS can progress rapidly and may result in multiple organ failure and death if not treated promptly.

While TSS is rare, it is a potentially life-threatening condition associated with the use of certain types of tampons, particularly those made with synthetic materials and super-absorbent fibers. Organic tampons typically do not contain these materials, reducing the risk of TSS associated with their use.

Supporting Sustainable Agriculture

By opting for organic menstrual products, you support sustainable agricultural practices that prioritize soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity. Organic farming methods also promote the use of natural fertilizers and pest control methods, which are safer for both the environment and farm workers.

Ethical Considerations

Some people choose organic menstrual products for ethical reasons, such as concerns about fair labor practices and worker conditions in conventional cotton production. Organic certification often includes criteria related to labor standards, ensuring that workers involved in the production process are treated fairly and paid a living wage.

In summary, using organic pads and tampons can provide numerous benefits, including reduced exposure to chemicals, gentle materials for sensitive skin, environmental sustainability, and support for ethical farming practices. These factors make organic menstrual products a healthier and more eco-friendly choice for individuals looking to prioritize their well-being and minimize their environmental impact.

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