Andy Tench presumed dead but still listed as missing

Adam Bonaparte apparently doesn’t want to talk to the press. He is the Mecklenburg County detective who has been assigned to the Andrew Douglas Tench case. After multiple calls and messages, Bonaparte still has not responded. Not once. While the Charlotte Metro LGBTQ community is left shocked and confused, a young man’s family remains devastated…


our people

Our People: Ben Chapman

Ben Chapman (He/Him/They) is an activist and archivist born, reared and still living in the Carolinas. A resident of Raleigh, Chapman is a millennial with a passion for history and equality who readily advocates for communities who have lived with the threat of having their civil rights ignored or taken away. During this interview, we…


Campaign for Southern Equality releases ‘How Far?’ report on trans youth traveling for healthcare

The Campaign for Southern Equality (CSE) has released the “How Far?” report in partnership with the Southern Equality Research & Policy Center, providing an in-depth look into the impact statewide healthcare bans on trans youth. The report looked at how bans on gender-affirming care have disproportionately impacted trans youth across the American South, especially those…

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