United Methodist Church lifts ban on LGBTQ+ clergy, same-sex marriage

The United Methodist Church (UMC) lifted the ban on LGBTQ+ clergy and same-sex marriage, marking a significant moment in the history of the denomination, reflecting broader societal shifts and internal debates within the church. This decision came after years of contentious debate, evolving attitudes towards LGBTQ+ rights within religious institutions. “Today, May 1, The United…

Is drag performer off the hook for $100k haul from Campus Pride?

It’s been nearly five months since QNotes was the first publication to report on a financial controversy involving the non-profit LGBTQ+ college student advisory organization Campus Pride and now former CEO, Shane Windmeyer. The national Charlotte-based and nearly 20 year old institution, which had been known for support of LGBTQ+ youth, had long been a…

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