The annual ScienceOnline conference is being held this week in Raleigh. Today, at 2:30 p.m., North Carolina State University GLBT Center Director Justine Hollingshead, pictured right, will participate in a conversation on science education and LGBT involvement.

From the panel description:

Online minority science writers, i.e. historically from African-, Hispanic-, and Native-American communities, are small in number reflecting their underrepresentation in the STEM pipeline. Broadening the participation of these groups involves mentoring and training activities which can make the STEM disciplines more welcoming to all. Diversity discussions today also recognize the needs of the disabled, LGBT, veteran, female, and other populations outnumbered in majority institutions. This session will bring together minorities, allies, and stakeholders who are interested in using online tools to diversify both the sciences and science communication.

Hollingshead talks about her experiences in a special write-up in Scientific American blog. Catch it here.

Be sure to follow the conversation on Twitter this afternoon, using the hashtag #scio13.

Matt Comer previously served as editor from October 2007 through August 2015 and as a staff writer afterward in 2016.