frazierglennmiller-mugshotEditor Matt Comer and Todd Heywood write today in a special report at on the ties Kansas City shooter Frazier Glenn Miller had to a brutal 1987 triple-murder at a Shelby, N.C., bookstore known for its gay clientele:

On April 13, Frazier Glenn Miller was arrested after he allegedly shot and killed three people at a Jewish Community Center and a Jewish retirement center in suburban Kansas City. Within hours of the arrest, the media reported that Miller had a long history as a white supremacist and virulent anti-Semite who has spent time in prison and, more importantly, been freed in plea deals with the federal government.

Two defense attorneys tell Raw Story that Miller was working out his end of such a plea deal when he appeared as a witness for the prosecution in a murder trial nearly three decades ago. But they say it was obvious to them even then that Miller should have been considered the prime suspect in that crime — a crime that, to this day, remains unsolved.

As Miller faces charges for killing three people in Kansas City, these attorneys say it’s fair to ask the federal government – why wasn’t Miller in prison many years before this?

Sometime shortly before midnight on January 17, 1987, three masked men entered the Shelby III Adult Bookstore located outside Shelby, North Carolina, a business known for attracting a gay clientele. The men ordered the store’s four customers and a clerk to the floor, and then shot them, execution style, in the back of their heads. The masked intruders took cash from the register and rigged up plastic gallon jugs filled with gasoline and detonation fuses, planning to burn the bookstore to the ground.

Read the rest of this story by qnotes editor Matt Comer & Todd Heywood at, and stay tuned to qnotes next week for a more locally-focused retrospective on the 1987 Shelby murders

Matt Comer previously served as editor from October 2007 through August 2015 and as a staff writer afterward in 2016.