From a fascinating Forbes article on social media:

“Social campaigns used to be more siloed from the rest of the communications and marketing strategies,” says [Andrea] Wolinetz. “Now we’re seeing social as either an extension of an overall activation idea that occurs throughout other media outlets, or conversely, the marketing/communication strategy is at its heart and inception social, and we’re using other media outlets to drive awareness and scale.”

Of course, the article is more broadly about social media trends across an entire market, but the issues and questions discussed can rightly be applied locally and to our own LGBT community.

How are local LGBT groups — whether it be Equality North Carolina, the LGBT Center of Raleigh, Charlotte’s Center, LGBT arts groups or others — using social media outlets and platforms to “drive awareness and scale”? It’s an interesting question, and one I plan on addressing in an upcoming article for qnotes.

Do you have a local LGBT organization you think is doing a phenomenal job on social media outreach? Think their efforts should be profiled? Let me know: comment below, email me at or, of course, DM or reply @qnotescarolinas with the details.

Matt Comer previously served as editor from October 2007 through August 2015 and as a staff writer afterward in 2016.