The world over, people are standing up in the fight against discrimination and social injustice after the death of many African-American individuals who were brought to their deaths by uncaring and racist people who used undue force against those whom they saw as unlike themselves. One of them was George Floyd who was taken down by police. One of them placed his knee against Floyd’s neck who was pinned on the ground and kept it there with force for over eight minutes, ending Floyd’s life as he told them he could not breathe, his last words calling out for his mother.

In Charlotte, protesters have gathered for nearly two week chanting such words as “No Justice, No Peace,” “Black Lives Matter” and more. The graphic above helps to remind the world that until everyone is treated with dignity, no one is truly free from the bondage of hate, bigotry and white supremacist ideology, no matter their race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation and/or nationality.