Another local elected official spoke out this morning, following a request by qnotes to condemn the anti-Semitic and anti-LGBT hate speech of hate group leader Louis Farrakhan. Yet, despite repeated requests, openly lesbian Charlotte City Councilmember LaWana Mayfield continues to refuse to do the same.

Jennifer Roberts

On Saturday morning, Mecklenburg County Commissioner Jennifer Roberts, the Democratic nominee in the Ninth Congressional District race, emailed qnotes and said she did not attend any Farrakhan events. The hate group leader was in Charlotte last weekend.

“I do not support discrimination in any form,” Roberts added.

Roberts views are the latest in a string of only a few elected officials who have spoken out against Farrakhan’s radical hate speech.

Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx and Charlotte Councilmembers John Autry and Claire Fallon each said they did not attend and condemned Farrakhan’s remarks.

“I will always reject hate speech whether it’s from the pulpit or in front of a women’s reproductive health clinic,” Autry said. “We have no place in our society for such rhetoric.”

“I condemn hate in any form,” said Foxx.

“I did not and would not attend any thing he spoke at,” said Fallon. “As far as I am concerned it would be like me sitting with David Duke or Flip [Benham].”

While Mayfield has refused to do the same, Mecklenburg County Commission Chairman Harold Cogdell told qnotes he had “no regrets” after attending Farrakhan’s events. He also declined to condemn Farrakhan’s hate speech.

See a timeline of all the events which have transpired since Farrakhan spoke in Charlotte last week.

Matt Comer previously served as editor from October 2007 through August 2015 and as a staff writer afterward in 2016.