June 25: President Biden makes history by pardoning all wrongly discharged LGBTQ+ service members | Credit: Biden/Facebook

President Joe Biden utilized his clemency authority June 25 to pardon former service members wrongly convicted under the former Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 125. This article criminalized sodomy between consenting adults between 1951-2013 and resulted in the convictions and discharging of an estimated 2,000 individuals from military service, until it was rewritten by Congress.

Biden’s proclamation is a significant move in recognizing and righting the wrongs inflicted upon LGBTQ+ service members who faced discrimination and unjust convictions under policies such as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT). The impacted individuals stood on the front lines of multiple wars for societal freedom, risking their lives to defend the United States, only to be met with injustice at home.

To ensure that justice is served swiftly and effectively, the organization Modern Military (MM), previously known as OutServe and Servicemembers Legal Defense Network is calling upon the individual departments of the armed services to exercise their capacity to approve these pardons and subsequently approve their discharge upgrades immediately. MM also asks individual departments file requests for a group of individuals similarly harmed by a group injustice, thus streamlining the process and providing much-needed relief to affected veterans.

The consequences of anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination have been far-reaching, causing moral injury, undue harm, and hardship to countless service members who served with honor and integrity. Many were discharged, court-martialed, or faced other punitive actions simply because of their sexual orientation. The policy deprived the U.S. military of many talented and dedicated individuals, instilled institutional betrayal, deprived veterans of military benefits and inflicted lasting trauma on those affected.

Modern Military’s advocacy against DADT has long been rooted in the belief that every individual should have the right to serve their country without fear of discrimination or retribution. The impact of these pardons, once fully realized, will help restore the honor and dignity of those unjustly convicted. It is a step towards healing and reconciliation, ensuring that all service members are treated with the respect and recognition they deserve.

The organization confirmed in a press release that they remain hopeful for the future and envision an armed services culture that truly reflects the United States’ values of equality, justice, and respect for all individuals. The announcement is a pivotal step in that direction, and MM’s continuing advocacy for policies and actions that support ally members of the military community.

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